Heritage, Culture and Diversity Day

Pupils and staff at Saint Paul’s enjoyed a day celebrating heritage, culture and diversity within the school and wider community.

As part of their ‘Heritage, Culture and Diversity Day’, pupils and staff came to school dressed in traditional clothing or colours that reflected their heritage. In lessons, the pupils had the chance to discuss why their clothing is special to them and what it represents. By each sharing stories and experiences of their own culture, the pupils were also able to deepen their understanding of the diverse range of traditions and customs within the school community.

As well as being a fun and exciting day for pupils, special events like this complement the excellent learning they are already doing as part of their PSHE lessons. In these lessons, pupils across the school are taught about different communities around the world and the importance of respecting all types of values and beliefs.

As part of the day’s celebrations, there was a wide selection of traditional foods for the pupils to share. The staff and pupils enjoyed trying a number of these dishes and learning more about the important role that food plays in different customs around the world.

“The pupils had a fascinating day exploring a variety of cultures and celebrating diversity through a range of activities,” explained Mr Paul Harrington, Assistant Headteacher. “The activities, which brought the many different cultures to life, enabled the pupils to get a sense of a country’s different traditions and beliefs. We aimed to develop our pupils’ understanding, acceptance and appreciation for our diverse world. The day raised the profile of heritage, culture and diversity at Saint Paul’s and was a fabulous opportunity to celebrate these important aspects of our school.”